Recent years have shown us how the world can suddenly change – new rules, new restrictions, new upheavals, new relationships, new ways of communication, and new opportunities. In response to all these challenges, Art Lena Gallery opens its doors online and invites art lovers and connoisseurs of contemporary art to enjoy painting. I’m sure that positive emotions, beautiful things, and the pleasure from our acquisitions are a kind of medicine for our souls.

I would very much like to meet you in the gallery, treat you to a cup of aromatic coffee, and discuss our new artwork. I am eager to hear your opinions. Maybe you’ll say, “Yes, I really like this new abstraction of yours, but I want something emerald in my freshly renovated living room.” I don’t paint to order, but you can inspire me with your stories about your house, your favorite colors, the bright emotions from your travels, anything you have to say.

After our coffee and chat, I might unexpectedly make a new abstract painting in emerald colors. And yes, it wouldn’t be the same as what you imagined when you talked about your emerald painting, and maybe you wouldn’t buy it. But a completely different person would see it and think: “Wow, how did this artist guess exactly what I needed?”

As for yourself, you might suddenly spot a painting that depicts the lilac fog of an autumn morning, one you walked by ten times previously, and say: “Well, here it is! This is exactly the painting that I was looking for last time.” And it wouldn’t matter that there is no emerald color in it at all.

I’d like to take you through the halls of the gallery, show you the artwork, present them personally to you. That would make it much easier for you to make your choice. But for now, we have to do it online.

Online, you can choose your artwork in any category: “Original Paintings”, “Art Prints”, “Digital Art”.

I’ll share my stories with you. This is essentially our “cup of coffee” together, and perhaps one day I’ll be describing my acquaintance with you and how it inspired me. Some of my stories are about me, so you can get to know me better and understand why I paint. Others are stories about my works of art, so you’ll know the history of their creation, feel their character, and learn about the sources of my passion. And also are stories about my fellow artists who inspire me. You’ll be surprised to find out how many talented people the Ukrainian land gives birth to. I want you to know about them too because they deserve it. I admire them.

I’m excited to find out what paintings you like, what you are looking for, what you prefer, what you want to buy. Tell us about this in response to our polls.

In About, you’ll learn everything about the rules of the gallery – how to buy a painting, the terms of payment and delivery, etc. Read this carefully and if you don’t find the information you need, be sure to ask. I’ll answer you as quickly as I can.

Yes, right now we can only communicate online. But we can still communicate! For this reason, there are many opportunities for feedback on the site. You can write to me (see Contacts), you can leave feedback on an artwork (see Artwork), or you can write comments on the stories that are published here (see Stories). In Polls, we’ll discuss what you like in a work of art, and what paintings you’d like to buy.

I invite you to register on the site. You can enter information about yourself when registering, or fill out your profile later in My Account. I promise not to bore you, but our acquaintance is very valuable to me. I hope I can show you this.

Art Lena Gallery is not an online platform with thousands of artists and millions of paintings, but rather a boutique gallery where paintings are hand-selected with an individual approach. It’s a place where you and I can discuss which painting you want to buy, and I’ll do everything I can to get you exactly what you want.

Let me remind you that I don’t paint to order, but our communication inspires me. Your emotions trigger my emotions, create a mood, and inspire me to express this mood on canvas. This is how paintings are born…